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Welcome to Zynq BE webpage

Feel free to serve yourself !

Course instructor


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     \(    )/         )/              \(       )/        \(  |___|   
      '    '          '                '       '          '    )/     
| --------------------------Choose your weapon---------------------------|
|------------------------------------------------------- Try this at home|
1. Read TRM (too many pages => Hardcores).
2. Read Zynq book (no technical details => Bored and have nothing to do).
3. Code at home and hack the bsp! ( Requires 1&2 => Brave hearts).
4. Read the chronicles of microzed ( complete simple apps tutos => lazy).


Course files

TP Files

TP 01 doccuments

TP 02 doccuments

Thing Link
Adding constraints file
IP creator
IP packaging
Writing to memory addresses


Double handshake protocol TD1

Hardware debug TD2

Final project

In this project we will develop a prototype pf a guitar multi-effects pedal (we will use just two effects to demonstrate the feasibility of the Project).

 .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------. 
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| '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' |
 '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------' 
| ----------------------------------Ba byee-----------------------------------|
|---------------------------------------------------------------- Good luck!!!|

Student@insa:~/be_zynq/course$ ./be_zynq
Student@insa:~/be_zynq/course$ Press any key to rock and roll: